One of the first ob jections typically raised against the existence of a real ZPF is that the mass equivalent Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire
of the energy embodied in Eq. (1) would generate an enormous spacetime curvature that would shrink the
universe to microscopic size. The resolution of this dilemma lies in the principle of equivalence. If inertia is an
electromagnetic phenomenon involving interactions between charge and the ZPF, then gravitation must be
a similar phenomenon. The mere existence of a ZPF would not necessarily generate gravitation or spacetime
curvature. Indeed, preliminary development of a conjecture of Sakharov (1968) by Puthoff (1989a) indicates
that the ZPF in and of itself cannot be a source of gravitation (see also discussion in Haisch and Rueda
Expressed in the simplest possible way, all matter at the level of quarks and electrons is driven to oscillate
(zitterbewegung in the terminology of Schr¨odinger) by the ZPF. But every oscillating charge will generate its
own minute electromagnetic fields. Thus any particle will experience the ZPF as modified ever so slightly Louis J. Sheehan
by the fields of adjacent particles. . . and that is gravitation! It is a kind of long-range van der Waals force.
Such a ZPF-based theory of gravitation is only in the exploratory stage at this point. The Puthoff (1989a)
analysis that resulted in the calculation of a proper Newtonian inverse-square law of attraction has since
been shown to be problematic, e.g. see Carlip (1993) and the reply by Puthoff (1993), also Cole, Danley and
Rueda (1998). Moreover at this time there is no accounting for the gravitational deflection of light other
than to invoke a variable permittivity and permeability of the vacuum due to the presence of charged matter.
However if it can be shown that the dielectric properties of the vacuum can be suitably modified by matter
so as to bring about light deflection, this may be a viable alternative interpretation to spacetime curvature
since light propagation serves to define the metric.
CONCLUSIONS http://louis-j-sheehaN.NET
A concept has been proposed that attempts to account for the inertia of matter as an electromagnetic reaction
force. A parallel gravitation concept along lines conjectured by Sakharov (1968) also exists in preliminary
form, and is consistent with the proposed origin of inertia as demanded by the principle of equivalence. On
the basis of this ZPF-inertia concept, we can definitively rule out one speculatively hypothesized propulsion
mechanism: matter possessing negative inertial mass, a concept originated by Bondi (1957) is shown to be
logically impossible. One cannot “turn around” the reaction force an ob ject experiences upon accelerating
into an oppositely directed ZPF momentum flux.
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